NISH supports the work of National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) in the WHO Africa Region with a comprehensive research portfolio.

NITAGs can access local and regional data for Africa, obtain new and existing research outputs and benefit from research opportunities.

  • Ongoing research: NISH identifies and conducts research to support the work of NITAGs in the WHO Africa Region. The research contributes to the much-needed local and regional data for the African continent and assists with evidence-based vaccinology (EBV) and evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) for advisory work. 
  • Research data collation and curation: NISH initates and makes available online repositories for relevant and reliable local and regional research evidence, presented in an easy-to-use format to assist NITAGs in their work. The repositories include the Data Visualisations: VPDs in Africa, the LibGuide: VPDs in Africa with an extensive repository of literature, and Evidence Gap Maps (EGMs).
  • Fostering research capacity: NISH facilitates research stays for NITAG members. NISH also offers a number of postgraduate and postdoctoral fellowships for topics related to the work of NITAGs in Africa.