Fogarty HATTP and African Research Society Seminar 17 April 2024 at 17h30

A seminar jointly organized by the UCT Health Sciences’ Students African Research Society (ARS) and the Fogarty HATTP program was held on Wednesday 17th April 2024 as an online meeting via Zoom.
Hosts were Professor Graeme Meintjes who introduced Dr Nonyane, and Luyanda Hlongwa, the Project Co-ordinator for Capacity Building for ARS.
The topic was: Statistical Applications in Public Health Collaborations
Dr Aletta Nonyane, a Research Professor at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, was invited to present her experience as a Biostatistician. Dr Nonyane is also a collaborator on the Fogarty Training program (HATTP) and has served as a Faculty member on the HATTP Annual Epidemiology and Biostatistics Workshops.
Biosketch: Dr Nonyane is a statistician who works on the design and analysis of clinical trials for evaluating HIV and TB-related interventions. Her expertise is in analysis of clustered and longitudinal data. She teaches a graduate course on the Design and Analysis of Cluster-randomized Trials and leads a discussion series on the Power and Practice in Global Health. Dr Nonyane serves as a biostatistics lead in multidisciplinary
teams and consortiums collaborating with scientists at Johns Hopkins University and internationally.
The ARS compiled an advertisement with a link to register and 12 students attended. Not all the students who registered were able to attend but requested a copy of her presentation.

Following the presentation where Dr Nonyane showed examples from publications highlighting the critical value of statistical analysis when conceptualizing a research study and preparing a manuscript, the students had an opportunity to ask questions.
Luyanda Hlongwa thanked Dr Nonyane for her time and thought-provoking presentation.