We are pulled to the four corners!

This research is already inspiring conversations about APN roles in Africa. Pictured: Minette Coetzee and Natasha North in Durban, April 2024
Just published! A paper reporting on the work that Natasha led to describe the work of child health nurses in Malawi. Huge thanks to everyone who participated and supported this study.
Published role descriptions like this are so important at a time when many African health systems are trying to decide how to introduce APN roles.
The paper is fully Open Access.
North, N., Brysiewicz, P., & Coetzee, M. (2024). ‘We are pulled to the four corners’: Qualitative role descriptions of advanced practice children's nurses in Malawi. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 29, e12433. https://doi.org/10.1111/jspn.12433