Every year, we see more and more African countries prioritising the development of their children’s nursing workforce and the training programmes that go with it. Building sustainable capacity in specialist nursing education is a collaborative effort that works across multiple stakeholder groups and required supportive conditions through policies, frameworks and strategies.
We worked with nursing colleagues and educators across the continent to develop a five-step Capability Maturity Model, a navigable roadmap to help people find their place in the process and identify actions for future progress. A Capability Maturity Model (CMM) describes a step-wise progressing of a process, from inception to full process maturity. With a growing number of countries establishing new children’s nursing programmes, this CMM sets out what process maturity looks like in relation to education, clinical and regulatory systems, human resources for health systems, and requirements related to overall stakeholder collaboration.
Stakeholders can use the model as a map to identify where they are in the process, and establish the resources and actions needed to make further progress.
Click here for full article.
If you would like our team to help you with a CMM assessment, or support you with designing a new educational programme, please contact us.