Moving Forward

The Critical Care Society of South Africa gathered at the UCT Academic Conference Centre V&A Waterfront Cape Town on 22nd to 24th November, 2024 to discuss how best to move healthcare forward. Presentations were relevant and insightful highlighting current evidence in the management of the critically ill patients.
There were many fascinating topics, ranging from energy conservation in the ICU, the use of electrical impedance (a noninvasive technology that aids ventilation of difficult to ventilate patients); use of microbiology reports to guide antibiotic use (and thus avoid anti-microbial resistance); volatile sedation; and sepsis; to name but a few.
One presentation focused on the sensitivities of the critical care unit, hence triage for ICU patients needing to be goal oriented and proper referral systems encouraged. Strong communication was advocated with caregivers/parents, not only for patients who are improving but also for those undergoing end of life care. This should be identified early and breaking of bad news done in a stepwise manner that gives family time to synthesize and come to terms with the news. This would enhance better understanding about possible organ donation.
This was a very informative and inspiring symposium. I look forward to attending future events with CCSSA. Many thanks to the planning committee, the delegates, protea hotel staff, my fellow attendees and everyone else involved for making this a success.