Welome to new members

22 Aug 2023
22 Aug 2023

Marizna qualified as a chemical pathologist in 2021 and subsequently held positions at NHLS Tygerberg Hospital and Stellenbosch University. During this period, her role focused on pre-analytical quality improvement, quality in the analytical phase, laboratory management, and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has also been a member of the NHLS EQA advisory committee since September 2022. She joins NHLS Groote Schuur Hospital and the University of Cape Town in August 2023.


Humaira completed her studies at UKZN, completing a bachelors in medical science, and honours and masters in medical biochemistry. Her masters project focused on a novel metal chelating organic compound which was tested on colon cancer cells and investigated for oxidative stress and cell death markers. She is very passionate about the medical and scientific field hopes to learn new skills and gain a lot of knowledge from this internship.