The APFP is an integral part of UCT’s Department of Paediatrics and Child Health. As such, Consultants and Educators from every clinical division are central to its implementation, and are involved in various aspects of programme strategy, partnership development, clinical and research supervision and alumni support. On a day-to-day basis, the APFP is led and managed by a core team of five, with the support of a Working Committee (made up of senior consultants across a range of clinical, nursing and rehabilitation specialities).
Meet the team
Meet the trainers
Heads of Units and consultants in the clinical divisions are central in driving the APFP's subspeciality development strategies across the continent. And if you’re studying with the APFP, your supervisor will be a senior consultant working within your chosen speciality or subspeciality. For more information, please visit the relevant page of the Departmental website, available through our list of Specialty Options.