Quality of Life webinar

A discussion of individual and family quality of life (QoL) for people with intellectual disability:
WEBINAR: Wednesday, 30 March 2022. Time: 17h00–18h30 (SAST).
GUEST SPEAKERS: Roy I. Brown, PhD, and Ivan Brown, PhD.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Roy Brown is professor emeritus at both the University of Calgary, Canada and Flinders University, Australia. He is currently adjunct professor at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada.
Ivan Brown is a professor in the Department of Applied Disability Studies, Brock University, Canada. He is also a vice-president of IASSIDD and Director of the IASSIDD Academy. They have worked together over the years to develop a substantial body of research and practice around QoL. THE PROGRAMME: Recap of Quality of Life and its main principles; How do we apply this paradigm most effectively to improve support and people’s lives; Examples of how to apply quality of life as a paradigm: home, support services, school, work
Enquiries: IDEA research unit – Chantal Samuels: Chantal.samuels@uct.ac.za Bongi Mahlangu: Bongi.Mahlangu@uct.ac.za