Advancing equitable quality education to advance learning for all

Thus, the Association for the Advancement of Inclusive and Equitable Education in South Africa (AAIEESA) was born.
The purpose of AAIEESA is to create a platform for participating members to formulate and provide expert guidance and advice to role players in the field of education (e.g. State departments, Educational institutions, Educators) in order to improve inclusivity and equity in education and learning in South Africa.
The Association is a voluntary, non-profit body and has no legal status in its proposed form. The Association will not have any assets or employ any staff.
The roles and responsibilities of AAIEESA’s roles and responsibilities centre around five key areas, communication, networking, advocacy, support and coordination.
Watch the AAIEESA webinar
The roles and responsibilities are outline below:
Provide a platform for communication, debate and deliberation among members of the network of role players in order to advance inclusivity and equitability in education.
Effect communication and dissemination of information to the broader community of role players in various forms and on various platforms, e.g. through journals, workshops, conference, newsletters, research publications, etc.
Assist in building a cooperative network of partners with credibility and position within the field of inclusive and equitable education. Establish relations and engage with the various Education Departments on National and Provincial levels (e.g. Basic Education, Higher Education), South African Council of Educators (SACE) and other professional associations and stakeholders where needed.
Advocate and exert influence for the rights of persons who are marginalised in the education system, including those with disabilities, to access quality education and learning by promoting teacher and carer education.
Actively engage the general public and relevant stakeholders on a regular and consistent basis regarding the inclusion of persons who are marginalised in the education system, including those with disabilities.
Provide relevant and timely information about inclusivity and equity in education and learning.
Provide informed guidance and advice to role players involved in advancing education of persons who are marginalised in the education system, including those with disabilities.
Provide professional support and assistance to relevant stakeholders in order to develop and deepen their understanding as well as strengthen their implementation practices with regards to inclusive and equitable education in South Africa.
Educate role players and communities by facilitating the availability of educational programs, workshops or training sessions.
Provide guidance and support to the role players involved in policy and curriculum development.
Play a coordinating and facilitating role to ensure the effectiveness of any initiatives, projects and task teams that the Association are responsible for or are involved in, or where such coordination is requested by any of the role players
If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please complete and submit the membership form.
Download the AAIEESA constitition.
To join AAIEESA please complete and submit the membership form.