
  • Mukwevho, E., D. Lang, E. Nyatia, J. Smith, and E.O. Ojuka (2008). Caffeine increases the binding of MEF2A to the Glut4 promoter and induces nuclear export of HDAC5 in C2C12 myotubes. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 294:E582-8.
  • Lang, D.M., M. Monzón-Mayor, M.-M. Romero-Alemán, C. Yanes, E. Santos, and P. Pesheva (2008). Tenascin-R and axon growth promoting molecules are up-regulated in the regenerating visual pathway of the lizard, Gallotia galloti. Dev. Neurobiol. 68:899-916.
  • Eberhard, M.J.B., D.M. Lang, B. Metscher, G. Pass, M.D. Picker, and H. Wolf (2010). Structure and sensory physiology of the leg scolopidial organs in Mantophasmatodea and their role in vibrational communication. Arthropod. Struct. Dev. 39:230-41.
  • Genade, T. and D.M. Lang (2011). Antibody markers for studying neurodegeneration in theNothobranchius central nervous system. J. Cytol. Histol. 2:120.
  • Santos, E., M.-M. Romero-Alemán, M. Monzón-Mayor, D.M. Lang, J. Rodger, and C. Yanes (2011). Expression of BDNF and NT-3 during the ontogeny and regeneration of the lacertidian (Gallotia galloti) visual system. Dev. Neurobiol. (Epub ahead of print).
  • Romero-Aleman, M.-M., M. Monzon-Mayor, E. Santos, D.M. Lang, and C. Yanes (2011). Neuronal and glial differentiation during ontogeny of the lizard (Gallotia galloti) visual system. J. Comp. Neurol. (Epub ahead of print).
  • Dobson, B.D., M. Monzón-Mayor, M.-M. Romero-Alemán, and D.M. Lang. Nogo-A and Nogo-66 receptor are up-regulated in the developing and regenerating visual pathway of the lizard, Gallotia galloti. (submitted)
  • Faro-Trindade, I., J.A. Willment, N. Srinivasan, H. Wainwright, D.M. Lang, C. Steele, and G.D. Brown. The role of pulmonary surfactant and the phagolysosome in innate fungal recognition. (submitted)
  • Parihar, S., R. Guler, D.M. Lang, R. Khutlang, M.M. Mhlanga, A.D. Marais, and F. Brombacher. Statins counteract Listeria-induced phagosomal escape and Mycobacterium-inhibited phagosomal maturation and autophagy. (submitted)
  • Kaschula, C.H., D.M. Lang, and M.I. Parker (2012). Live In-Cell Visualization of Proteins using Super Resolution Imaging. InTech Reviews: Protein Interaction (in press).
  • Genade, T. and D.M. Lang (2013). Resveratrol extends lifespan and preserves glia but not neurons of the Nothobranchius guentheri optic tectum. Exp. Gerontol. (Epub ahead of print).
  • Kaschula, C.H., D.M. Lang, and M.I. Parker (2012). Live in-cell visualization of proteins using super- resolution imaging. Protein Interactions, Dr. Jianfeng Cai (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0244-1, InTech.
  • Faro-Trindade, I., J.A. Willment, N. Srinivasan, H. Wainwright, D.M. Lang, C. Steele, and G.D. Brown (2012). The role of pulmonary surfactant and the phagolysosome in innate fungal recognition. PLoS 1.7:e35675
  • Faro-Trindade, I., J.A. Willment, N. Srinivasan, H. Wainwright, D.M. Lang, C. Steele, and G.D. Brown (2012). The role of pulmonary surfactant and the phagolysosome in innate fungal recognition. PLoS 1.7:e35675


Publications acknowledging the service contribution of the Confocal and Light Microscope Imaging Facility:

  • Mutawila, C., Halleen, F.,Fourie, P.H., and L. Mostert. 2010. Histo-pathology study of the growth of Trichoderma harzianum, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Eutypa lata into grapevine pruning wounds. Phytopathologia Mediterranea (submitted).
  • Petersen, L.N., Marineo, S., Mandalà, S., Davids, F., Sewell, B.T., and R.A. Ingle.  2010. The Missing Link in Plant Histidine Biosynthesis: Arabidopsis myoinositol monophosphatase-like2 Encodes a Functional Histidinol-Phosphate Phosphatase. Plant Physiology. 152:1186-96.
  • Kerrigan, A.M., Dennehy, K.M., Mourão-Sá, D., Faro-Trindade, I., Willment, J.A., Taylor, P.R., Eble, J.A., Reis e Sousa, C., and G. D. Brown. 2009. CLEC-2 is a phagocytic activation receptor expressed on murine peripheral blood neutrophils. The Journal of Immunology. 182:4150-4157.
  • Rosas, M., Liddiard, K., Kimberg, M., Faro-Trindade, I., McDonald, J.U., Williams, D. L., Brown, G.D., and  P. R. Taylor. 2008. The induction of inflammation by dectin-1 in vivo is dependent on myeloid cell programming and the progression of phagocytosis. The Journal of Immunology. 181:3549-57.
  • Huysamen, C., Willment, J.A., Dennehy, K.M., and G.D. Brown. 2008. CLEC9A is a novel activation C-type lectin-like receptor expressed on BDCA3+ dendritic cells and a subset of monocytes. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283:16693-701.
  • Dennehy, K.M., Ferwerda, G., et al and G.D. Brown. 2008. Syk kinase is required for collaborative cytokine production induced through Dectin-1 and Toll-like receptors. European Journal of Immunology. 38:500-6
  • Smith, J.A., Kohn, T.A., Chetty, A.K., and E.O. Ojuka. 2008. CaMK activation during exercise is required for histone hyperacetylation and MEF2A binding at the MEF2 site on the Glut4 gene. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 295:E698-704.
  • Graham, L.M., Tsoni, S.V., Willment, J., Williams, D.L., Taylor, P.R., Gordon, S., Dennehy, K. and G. D. Brown. 2006. Soluble Dectin-1 as a tool to detect β-glucans. The Journal of Immunological Methods. 314:164-9.