The Confocal and Light Microscope Imaging Facility is a core facility at UCT specialising in advanced light microscope imaging for fluorescence and data analyses.

Dirk Lang

The Facility is headed by Associate Prof. Dirk Lang, senior lecturer and imaging specialist. He obtained his PhD from the University of Konstanz in Germany where he also worked as a postdoc. He took up his academic position at UCT in 2000 and has acquired substantial experience in teaching and research since then. He is also involved in postgraduate course convenorship and teaching. His main research interests are the development and repair of the nervous system, and he has published extensively in this field. Much of his work involves specialised light microscopy techniques (transmitted light, time-lapse, widefield fluorescence, and confocal) on a wide variety of systems. Prof. Lang has internationally recognised expertise in advanced light microscopy imaging to offer scientists and primary researchers at UCT and other academic institutions.

Caron Jacobs

Dr Caron Jacobs completed her BSc (Hons) (2009) and then MSc (2012) in Biochemistry at the University of Pretoria and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Pretoria. Her work there made use of fluorescent microscopy assays to study nuclear architecture and transcriptional regulation in Plasmodium falciparum. Caron completed her PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology at University College London in 2018, where she specialised in super-resolution microscopy, applying innovative imaging and quantitative analytical techniques to study virus infection processes. Caron is currently a CZI Imaging Scientist at the University of Cape Town. She also provides technical expertise and training support for the super-resolution imaging platform at UCT.