Please contact A/Prof. Dirk Lang ( for any imaging enquiries.

Please contact Astrid Kühn
 ( for any administrative enquiries.
Confocal images

Welcome To The Confocal And Light Microscope Imaging Facility

The Confocal and Light Microscope Imaging Facility is a core advanced light microscope facility at UCT, established in 2007.  The Facility recently acquired the new state-of-the-art, multi-functional Carl Zeiss 880 LSM confocal with Fast Airyscan technology and the Elyra S1 super-resolution microscope.  It offers UCT and other local researchers access to super and near-super resolution, real-time live cell and tissue imaging including a multitude of quantitative imaging and analysis techniques.

The facility is located on level 3 of the Anatomy building, rooms 3.14 & 3.18, and WBS 1.12 of the Institute of Infectious Disease & Molecular Medicine (IDM) on the Medical campus.  Experienced academic and technical staff are available to assist users in the facility with imaging and quantitative data analysis.

Enquiries regarding use of the facility from members of the University of Cape Town, and other institutions are welcome.
See our contact details.

Dirk Lang
fig 10r
Fig 3x