
If you are interested in using one or more of the Confocal and Light Microscope Imaging Facility’s microscopes for research, you can contact Dirk Lang, Go here for information on available microscopes to be used. Kindly note that we currently do not have full-time staff available on site, so all booking / consultation requests must be arranged via email.

We use the Calpendo booking system and all bookings are to be made via the following webpage:

User / Project Registration

In order to book the microscopes at Confocal-UCT you will be asked to register as a new user (if you are not registered yet) on the Calpendo webpage:

After registration approval from one of our administrators (Astrid Kühn / Dirk Lang), you will get full user access to our booking system. Refer to our Microscopes and applications page for details about the microscopes in our facility.

In order to book one of the confocal microscopes you will need to have your project registered.  Bookings for the fluorescence microscopes do not need project registration.

Consultation and training

First-time users or users starting new research projects where imaging is required, can book consultation sessions with Dirk Lang ( to discuss preparation methods for samples as well as the imaging process and data analyses.

Slot Duration

Slots can be booked for a minimum of 30 minutes, especially on the fluorescence microscopes. Depending on the number of samples and complexity of the imaging, two-hour or longer slots are available. Users who need assistance must contact the facility staff to check their availability. Independent and trained users are allowed to book after hours.

Fee Structure (costs are indicated per hour)

Microscope type Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan Elyra Super-resolution Inverted Fluorescence Microscope Upright Fluorescence microscope
Lasers /
HBO lamp
R420 (R200 for widefield only) R420 R60 R60 (when using the HBO lamp)
Assistance & Training R120 R120 R60 R60

Corporate fees are 150% of the above


    List of secondary Antibodies and other consumables available for purchase


Assisted bookings on the confocal cancelled 24 hours in advanced will be free of charge.  Cancellations within an hour before commencement of the assisted booking will be charged 50% of the hourly fee.  Failure to cancel both assisted or non-assisted bookings are charged the hourly rate.


When making a booking on Calpendo, you need to agree to the Terms and Conditions, which includes payments.  Quarterly billing will be done.