Upcoming Conferences

These upcoming premier international conferences will be sure to provide ample in-person networking opportunities.

55th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC)
25-28 May 2022 - Geneva, Switzerland
This year the annual meeting of the AEPC will be hosted by the local organizing committee from the "Centre Universitaire de Cardiologie et Chirurgie Cardiaque Pédiatrique" a collaboration between the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) and Vaudois University Hospital Center (CHUV) in Lausanne. Particular emphasis will be placed on the latest advances and innovations while not forgetting fundamentals and educational opportunities, especially for junior specialists, students, trainees, and nurses.

21st Lancefield International Symposium for Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases (LISSSD)
7-10 June 2022 - Stockholm, Sweden
For the first time, LISSSD will be jointly organised with the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. The meeting offers a cutting-edge scientific program covering the latest advances in clinical aspects, pathogenesis, novel diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccine developments related to acute streptococcal infections as well as post-streptococcal sequelae.
15-19 June 2022 - Marrakesh, Morocco
The World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery (WSPCHS) is the largest professional organization in the world dedicated to pediatric and congenital heart surgery. The vision of the WSPCHS is that every child born anywhere in the world with a congenital heart defect should have access to appropriate medical and surgical care. The mission of the WSPCHS is to promote the highest quality comprehensive cardiac care to all patients with congenital heart disease, from the fetus to the adult, regardless of the patient’s economic means, with an emphasis on excellence in teaching, research, and community service.

43rd European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress
26-29 August 2022 - Barcelona, Spain
This year ESC will be celebrating 70 years since the first ESC Congress, and what better way to do that than by meeting together in Barcelona! It will also be the first time that ESC Congress will be accessible both onsite and online, ensuring you can access the very latest science and clinical updates, wherever you are.

American College of Cardiology (ACC) together with 13th Emirates Cardiac Society (ECS) Congress
7-9 October 2022 - Dubai, UAE
The ACC and ECS invite you to join them for an innovative educational experience that will strengthen your everyday practice. ACC Middle East 2022 is designed to deliver an engaging forum to critically examine evidence-based strategies as well as contemporary best practices and clinical decision-making to reach our common objective of improving heart health of patients with cardiovascular disease.

7th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology together with the World Congress of Cardiology (WCC)
13-15 October 2022 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
In 2022, Rio de Janeiro will be the stage of one of the largest and most important cardiology events of the year: the 77th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology together with the World Congress of Cardiology, organized by the Brazilian Society of Cardiology in partnership with the World Heart Federation. This will be the first fully hybrid WCC, with a rich programme of both in-person and virtual sessions shining a spotlight on global cardiovascular health.

5-7 November 2022 - Chicago, USA
This year, AHA’s Scientific Sessions will be a hybrid event held at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois. These sessions bring together the best in science and cardiovascular clinical practice allowing you to participate in group discussions and debates, engage with interactive sessions featuring cutting-edge topics across an array of specialties, and meaningfully connect with peers, mentors and friends from around the world.

8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (WCPCCS)
27 August-1 September 2023 - Washington D.C, USA
Postponed from 2021 to 2023 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the aim of the WCPCCS is to bring together all professionals involved in the care of children’s heart disease and congenital heart disease of all ages, from the foetus to the aged. The congress seeks to provide a unique opportunity to meet the leaders of specialties worldwide, to learn about the latest innovations and the results of procedures, and to contribute to the discussions, debates and plenary sessions with renowned speakers.