MMed Student Wins Best Poster at RXH Research Day

UCT MMed student, Dr Ryan Moore, won best poster at the 2020 Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital (RCWMCH) annual research day for his work on international normalised ratio (INR) monitoring in children.
His study, which was supervised by CHDRU Director, Prof Liesl Zühlke, compared the accuracy of portable point-of-care INR monitors to standard of care laboratory monitoring in a sample of paeditric patients at RCWMCH and found a favorable comparison between the two methods.
See the full poster here.
Another UCT MMed student supervised by Prof Zühlke, Dr Fefekazi Mpisane, also had her poster on display. Her study looked at post cardiac surgery sternal wound sepsis burden, risk factors and outcomes at RCWMCH over a five year period.
See the full poster here.