Young Doctors’ Communities Survey on COVID-19

Young Doctors’ Communities are inviting all young doctors, aged 40 or younger, to participate in a survey about working on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic:
We as young doctors provide, worldwide, the frontline clinical care for COVID-19 patients with an awareness that the vast majority of infected populations are our age and that the clinical course of the disease among our peers is unpredictable. Given our frequent exposure, lower level of professional experience, and lack of data on this emerging illness, we may be particularly vulnerable to stress related psychological disorders induced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our survey is DESIGNED BY YOUNG DOCTORS FOR YOUNG DOCTORS to investigate unexplored aspects of the disease that are relevant to our generation and to present the most comprehensive summary of the emotional burden of the COVID-19 for our Communities.
Young Doctors’ Communities all over the world will be united for one common purpose – to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and to provide the basis for future improvements in education and work environments.
The survey is anonymous and will take around 10 minutes. If you are at the age of 40 or below and you have worked clinically during the pandemic, let us know about your situation and express your opinion!
The project is sponsored by Harefield Hospital, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK and is officially endorsed by: the Club 30 of the Polish Society of Cardiology, the Young Group of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, the Young DGK of the German Society of Cardiology, Cardiologists of Tomorrow of the Austrian Society of Cardiology, the Portugal Society of Cardiology, the Mexican Society of Cardiology, the Romanian Society of Cardiology, the Pink IYAC, the Panhellenic Medical Association.