2019 Publications

Research output by the Children's Heart Disease Research Unit in 2019 saw a total of 20 papers published in international journals and a further 3 locally.
Notable RHD-related publications included;
Peters F, et al. Rheumatic heart disease: current status of diagnosis and therapy. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther. 2019.
Muhamed B, et al. Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease: Facts and research progress in Africa. International Journal of Cardiology. 2019.
Abrams J, et al. Integrating the prevention and control of rheumatic heart disease into country health systems: A systematic review protocol. BMJ Open. 2019.
Abdullahi LH, et al. Task-shifting in the diagnosis, prevention and management of rheumatic heart disease: A systematic review. BMJ Open. 2019.
Notable CHD-related publications included;
Zühlke L, et al. Congenital heart disease in low- and lower-middle–income countries: Current status and new opportunities. Current Cardiology Reports. 2019.
Liu Y, et al. Global birth prevalence of congenital heart defects 1970–2017: Updated systematic review and meta-analysis of 260 studies. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2019.
Willoughby ML, et al. Infective endocarditis in infants and children in the Western Cape, South Africa: a retrospective analysis. Cardiology in the Young. 2019.
Notable CVD-related publications included;
Timmis A, et al. European Society of Cardiology: Cardiovascular disease statistics 2019. Eur Heart J. 2020.
Zühlke L, et al. Cardiovascular medicine and research in sub- Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities. Nature Reviews Cardiology. 2019.
Other notable publications included;
Grapsa J and Zühlke LJ. Of women, by women and for women: A step forward – editorial. JACC: Case Reports. 2019.
Sliwa K, et al. Moving ahead – building a strong network amongst female cardiovascular clinician scientists and researchers in Africa. JACC: Case Reports. 2019.
Forcillo J, et al. on behalf of contributors from Namibia, Zambia and Uganda. Making cardiac surgery feasible in African countries: Experience from Namibia, Zambia and Uganda. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2019.
Shidhika F, et al. A South-South partnership to provide cardiac surgery and interventions: The Namibian Children’s Heart Project. Cardiology in the Young. 2019.
Find the full list of 2019 publications here.