RHD Action Launches 2019 Small Grants Programme

RHD Action launched the first round of their Small Grants Programme for 2019 on 27 June with the following request for proposals.
To date, 13 projects in a dozen countries from across the globe have been funded and supported through the RHD Action Small Grants Programme which was first launched in 2017. The grants have supported awareness raising, professional education and advocacy efforts on RF/RHD and have played an important role in building capacity for community driven RHD prevention and control programmes and activities.
This year, small innovative projects with well-defined outcomes and timelines that are focused on "People and Communities" will be considered with an amount of US$2,500 available to fund each successful application.
Project Time-Line:
Call for Proposals: 27 June 2019
Deadline for Submission: 26 July 2019
Award Notices: No later than 30 August 2019
Project Duration:
Start date within 30 days of award notification.
End date no more than six months from start date as determined in signed Grant Agreement.
Final Project Report Due to RHD Action within 30 days of project end date.
Please see the RFP and Guidelines and Application Form for detailed information about application requirements.
For more information, email your queries to grants@rhdaction.org
*Only English applications will be accepted at this time