Group Leader: Reto Guler


Reto Guler

Phone: +27 21 406 6033

Office: Wernher & Beit Bldg South S1.31

We perform genome-wide transcriptomics on RNA transcripts to identify host drug targets against tuberculosis. Our goal is to identify host factors and pathways that are subverted by Mycobacterium tuberculosis to increase its persistence and survival within macrophages. We aim to validate identified drug targets genes in macrophages and experimental mouse models by gain and loss of function studies.


Current tuberculosis projects:

  • Identification of host microRNAs and long-non coding RNA as potential drug targets against tuberculosis.
  • Identification of potential drug targets in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway to combat TB.
  • Protective and subversive mechanisms of macrophage-specific genes in M. tuberculosis.
  • Transcriptomics to identify drug/vaccine candidates against TB.
  • The role of classically and alternative activated macrophages in host response to TB using genome-wide transcriptome analysis.
  • Understanding IL-1/IL-1R associated mechanisms of host-pathogen relationships to tuberculosis.


Reto Guler - Google Scholar


Recent Publications

  1. Guler R, Brombacher F. Host-directed drug therapy for tuberculosis. Nature Chemical Biology 2015. 11(10):748-751.  Year Impact Factor: 14.2 Citations: 5
  2. Guler R, Roy S, Suzuki H, Brombacher F. Targeting Batf2 for infectious diseases and cancer. Oncotarget 2015. 6(29):26575-82. 5 Year Impact Factor: 6.4 Citations: 1
  3. Roy S, Schmeier S, Arner E, Alam T, Parihar SP, Ozturk M, Tamgue O, Kawaji H, de Hoon MJ, Itoh M, Lassmann T, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y, Forrest AR, Bajic VB, Guler R, Brombacher F, Suzuki H. Redefining the transcriptional regulatory dynamics of classically and alternatively activated macrophages by deepCAGE transcriptomics.  Nucleic Acids Res. 2015  43(14):6969-82. 5-Year Impact Factor: 8.8 Citations: 6
  4. Roy S, Guler R, Parihar SP, Schmeier S, Kaczkowski B, Nishimura H, Shin JW, Negishi Y1, Ozturk M, Hurdayal R, Kubosaki A, Kimura Y, de Hoon MJ, Hayashizaki Y, Brombacher F, Suzuki H. Batf2/Irf1 Induces Inflammatory Responses in Classically Activated Macrophages, Lipopolysaccharides, and Mycobacterial Infection. J Immunol. 2015.  194(12):6035-44. 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.7 Citations: 3
  5. Guler R*, Parihar SP*, Savvi S, Logan E, Schwegmann A, Roy S, Nieuwenhuizen NE, Ozturk M, Schmeier S, Suzuki H, Brombacher F. IL-4Rα-dependent alternative activation of macrophages is not decisive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathology and bacterial burden in mice. PLoS One. 2015. 10(3):e0121070. 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.2 Citations: 1
  6. Arner E, Daub CO, Vitting-Seerup K, Andersson R, Lilje B, Drabløs F, Lennartsson A, Rönnerblad M, Hrydziuszko O, Vitezic M, Freeman TC, Alhendi AM, Arner P, Axton R, Baillie JK, Beckhouse A, Bodega B, Briggs J, Brombacher F, Davis M, Detmar M, Ehrlund A, Endoh M, Eslami A, Fagiolini M, Fairbairn L, Faulkner GJ, Ferrai C, Fisher ME, Forrester L, Goldowitz D, Guler R, Ha T, Hara M, Herlyn M, Ikawa T, Kai C, Kawamoto H, Khachigian LM, Klinken SP, Kojima S, Koseki H, Klein S, Mejhert N, Miyaguchi K, Mizuno Y, Morimoto M, Morris KJ, Mummery C, Nakachi Y, Ogishima S, Okada-Hatakeyama M, Okazaki Y, Orlando V, Ovchinnikov D, Passier R, Patrikakis M, Pombo A, Qin XY, Roy S, Sato H, Savvi S, Saxena A, Schwegmann A, Sugiyama D, Swoboda R, Tanaka H, Tomoiu A, Winteringham LN, Wolvetang E, Yanagi-Mizuochi C, Yoneda M, Zabierowski S, Zhang P, Abugessaisa I, Bertin N, Diehl AD, Fukuda S, Furuno M, Harshbarger J, Hasegawa A, Hori F, Ishikawa-Kato S, Ishizu Y, Itoh M, Kawashima T, Kojima M, Kondo N, Lizio M, Meehan TF, Mungall CJ, Murata M, Nishiyori-Sueki H, Sahin S, Nagao-Sato S, Severin J, de Hoon MJ, Kawai J, Kasukawa T, Lassmann T, Suzuki H, Kawaji H, Summers KM, Wells C; FANTOM Consortium, Hume DA, Forrest AR, Sandelin A, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y. Gene regulation. Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells.  Science. 2015.  347(6225).  5-Year Impact Factor: 34.46 Citations: 91
  7. Spohn G, Schori C, Keller I, Sladko K, Sina C, Guler R,  Schwarz K, Johansen P. Gary T Jennings GT, Bachmann MF. Preclinical efficacy and safety of an anti-IL-1β vaccine for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development. 2014.  1:14048. 5-Year Impact Factor: 6.8 Citations: 5
  8. FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN PMI and CLST (DGT). A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas. Nature. 2014. 507(7493):462-70; 5-Year Impact Factor: 38.2 Citations: 246
  9. Parihar SP*, Guler R*, Khutlang R, Lang DM, Hurdayal R, Mhlanga MM, Suzuki H, Marais AD, Brombacher F. Statin therapy reduces Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in human macrophages and in mice by enhancing autophagy and phagosome maturation. J Infect Dis. 2014.  209(5):754-63; 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.9 Citations: 44