Individual classroom exercises from the Tools for Talking Taboos book can be downloaded by chapter from the dropdown menus below.
CHAPTER 1. Gender
- Exercise 1: Sex vs. Gender
- Exercise 2: The Pronoun Flip - Assessing Assumptions about Gender
- Exercise 3: Three Photos
- Exercise 4: Gender Stereotypes are Bad for Men Too
- Exercise 5: Media Stereotypes about Gender
- Exercise 6: Exposing Gender Bias in the Media
- Exercise 7: Thinking Transgender
- Exercise 8: Women, Body Image and Advertising
CHAPTER 2. Gender and Power
- Exercise 1: Acting Like a Man, Behaving like a Lady
- Exercise 2: Cultural Values & Gender Stereotypes
- Exercise 3: Anti-Stereotype Bingo
- Exercise 4: Challenging Sexist Myths
- Exercise 5: Guess who?
- Exercise 6: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The Road to Gender Equality in South Africa
- Exercise 7: Power Plays
- Exercise 8: Understanding Male Privilege
CHAPTER 3. Family Relationships
- Exercise 1: Defining Child Abuse
- Exercise 2: Does Family Know Best? Understanding Family Values and Messages
- Exercise 3: Family Violence Resources Map Activity
- Exercise 4: Can you see my Point of View? Changing Attitudes on Gender Roles
- Exercise 5: Power and Control Wheel
- Exercise 6: The String Exercise - Understanding Bystander Response to Domestic Violence
CHAPTER 4. Teen Dating and Relationships
- Exercise 1: What is Love?
- Exercise 2: Can You Read the Signals?
- Exercise 3: Help! I Need to Get Out!
- Exercise 4: Bad Romance
- Exercise 5: The Recruiting Game
- Exercise 6: Finding the Ideal Candidate
- Exercise 7: The Hits Keep Coming: Pop Music and Violent Relationships
- Exercise 8. Breaking Up is Hard to Do
- Exercise 9: Before and After Having a Baby
CHAPTER 5. Sexual Health
- Exercise 1: Using Assertiveness to Communicate about Sex
- Exercise 2: Choosing to be Abstinent?
- Exercise 3: Help! I Need Advice!
- Exercise 4: Myth or Matter of Fact? A Sexual Health Quiz
- Exercise 5: Tough Choices in Tough Times: A Story about Transactional Sex
- Exercise 6: Sexual Health Game Show
- Exercise 7: Stop! or Go! Communication, Consent and Boundaries
- Exercise 8: Communicating about Safer Sex and Contraception
CHAPTER 6. Popular Culture and Media
- Exercise 1: What do you read and what do you see? Words and images in the media
- Exercise 2: What do we see?
- Exercise 3: Sex, Violence and Advertising
- Exercise 4: Media Representation and the invisible Majority
- Exercise 5: My Media Log
- Exercise 6: Identifying and Preventing Bullying and Cyber-Bullying
- Exercise 7: Name that Celebrity
CHAPTER 7. Sexual Orientation
- Exercise 1: Guided Imagery: Imagine this!
- Exercise 2: The Heterosexual Questionnaire
- Exercise 3: Take a Stance: Values Clarification
- Exercise 4: The Complexity of Sexual Orientation
- Exercise 5: Coming Out Snakes and Ladders
- Exercise 6: How Does Identity Shape Our Lives
- Exercise 7: ’Use Another Word’
CHAPTER 8. HIV, Stigma, Risk and Violence
- Exercise 1: Oops, You Caught Me with Condoms!
- Exercise 2: Straight Talk Youth Radio
- Exercise 3: More or Less? Understanding Sexual Health and Risk
- Exercise 4: Abstinent Or Obstinate?
- Exercise 5: Sexual Health Game Show
- Exercise 6: Communicating About Safer Sex and Contraception
CHAPTER 9. Domestic Violence
- Exercise 1: Understanding Domestic Violence
- Exercise 2: Myth or Matter of Fact? What Do You Know About Domestic Violence?
- Exercise 3: Planning For Safety
- Exercise 4: The String Exercise - Understanding Bystander Response To Domestic Violence
- Exercise 5: Protection Order Snakes And Ladders
CHAPTER 10. Sexual Offences
- Exercise 1. Picture This? Truths and Myths About Victims of Sexual Violence
- Exercise 2. Who’s To Blame?
- Exercise 3. Consent or Not? What Does The Law Say?
- Glossary. All the (tricky) words

for downloading & printing for the classroom
The following set of five classroom posters address core topics in the Tools for Talking Taboos classroom exercises. You can use them as hand-outs to accompany related exercises or to facilitate discussion, or put them up in your classroom for easy reference. You can click on each image to download that specific poster.