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With support from FAO, SAPReF spearheaded the development of SADC harmonised Guidelines on Pesticide Management and Risk Reduction. Approved in 2019, the guidelines provide a harmonised approach to registration authorisation, use and control of pesticides, formulations and products in the SADC region. The specific objectives of the guidelines are to:

  1. Facilitate the protection of human, plant and animal health, as well as the environment in the territory of the Member States against pesticides;
  2. Facilitate regional collaboration and harmonisation on pesticide management and risk reduction;
  3. Enhance Member States’ implementation of the FAO/WHO International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management (2015);
  4. Enhance national and regional technical capacity to implement and monitor pesticide use including promoting greater use of international standards and other matters concerning pesticide management;
  5. Provide a regional mechanism for addressing risk management and risk reduction in the usage of pesticides.


“The SADC guidelines on pesticide management and risk reduction were simple, concise and tailored for needs of the region. For instance, it has contributed to harmonisation of pesticide registration and tackling illegal trade in pesticides. The guidelines empowered Member States to better understand and address the risks posed by pesticides.”

- Dr Rakeshwar Goorah, Registrar, Dangerous Chemicals Control Board, Mauritius.