A key focus of the DEH is to ensure that research findings are presented to policymakers and community members in a manner that promotes risk prevention and management.

Based on the DEH’s extensive research, risk communication and research materials have been and continue to be developed. As a division, we value creating resources that will provide information relevant for policymakers, environmental health practitioners and low-literate populations to highlight pesticide and chemical health risks, as well as risk reduction and prevention measures.

Since 1997, we have developed many resources that can be used by multiple stakeholder groups. Below are links to these resources, which contain a Creative Commons license. This means you are free to share and translate these materials as long as the DEH and UCT are accredited.  We are keen to hear from you as to how you have used and shared these materials.

Email us at environmentalhealth@uct.ac.za or post your story on our social media at @UCTenvhealth.




Pesticide Booklets


Pesticides Alternatives Booklet for Domestic Pest Control

Risk Material Flipchart and Training Manual 

(Please note: the flipchart and the manual go together. If training is needed on how to use these two resources, please contact: environmentalhealth@uct.ac.za)

Policy Briefs
