Our Concepts incubator provides an opportunity for CIDRI-Africa investigators, their team members and students to present their research ideas or draft grant proposals for feedback in a friendly, rigorous environment.  The forum is open to all CIDRI-Africa investigators, their team members and students to attend and offer critique.


  1. One week prior to Concepts, the researcher will share either a one page concept sheet (if they wish to receive input at an early stage of research conceptualisation) or a draft of the full grant application as well as the RFA. This will be shared with two CIDRI-Africa reviewers. 
  2. At Concepts, the researcher will give a 5-10 minute presentation.
  3. Two reviewers will then provide specific comments.
  4. The floor will then be opened for questions and general discussion.

We hope that this incubator will be useful for the researchers presenting, but also for other emerging researchers to gain insight into the way in which grant applications are reviewed. 

The applications reviewed can be for any scheme or funder (not only Wellcome).

Anele Gela from SATVI will present their application at the Concepts incubator on 2nd November 2021 (16:00).