SCHWAGER Sylva - Chief Scientific Officer
Room N3.05.2 Wernher Beit North Bldg
Tel: 021-406 6469BLEKI Lindile Mr - Departmental Assistant
Tel : 021-650 4569 -
Students - MSc
your content
Students - PhD
DUNN Cherise - DNNCHE002@myuct.ac.za
(co-supervised with V Leaner)
Research Project Title: The Role of the Renin Angiotensin System in CancerLUBBE Lizelle - LBBLIZ002@myuct.ac.za
Research Project Title: Investigating domain–selective Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibition and catalytic inactivation.RAMASAMY Vinasha - RMSVIN001@myuct.ac.za
Research Project Title: Investigating the roles of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and Ac-SDKP in the pathophysiology of constrictive tuberculous pericarditisSEELE Palesa - SLXPAL001@myuct.ac.za
Research Project Title: Understanding the role of MMP-1 and MMP-9 in TB cavitation -
Students - Post Docs
ARENDSE lauren - lauren.arendse@uct.ac.za
Research Project Title: Dual C-domain selective ACE/NEP inhibitors for the treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular diseaseAROWOLO Afolake - afolake.arowolo@uct.ac.za
Research Project Title: The role of FAM IIIB in multi-systemic fibrosisMOOLMAN Bertus - Bertus.Moolman@uct.ac.za
Research project title: Investigation of Biophysical and Biochemical Mechanisms of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme