Jeshika Luckrajh
Jeshika Luckrajh is a Lecturer of Clinical Anatomy in the Department of Human Biology. She completed a Bachelor of Medical Science Honours at the University of KwaZulu-Natal wherein she obtained cum laude in 2017. Jeshika completed her Master’s degree in Clinical Anatomy in 2019 following her research into the anatomy of the proximal anterior cerebral artery complex and its association with anterior communicating artery aneurysms. She has received funding from the National Research Foundation for her Honours and Masters degrees as well as for conference attendance. Jeshika has presented her research at many local and international conferences, including the meetings of the Anatomical Society of Southern Africa, Surgical Research Society of South Africa and the International Federation of the Association of Anatomists. Furthermore, she is a member of the Anatomical Society of Southern Africa, American Association of Anatomists, Golden Key International Honour Society and the South African Association of Women Graduates.
Jeshika lectures anatomy in undergraduate courses and is the Convenor of the 1st year Health and Rehabilitation Course. She is also involved in the facilitation of dissection practicals for 2nd and 3rd year medical students. Her research focus areas are human neuroanatomy, vascular anatomy and anatomical variations.
Selected Publications
1. The Anatomy of the Coronary Ostia and its Relation to the Sinotubular Junction Luckrajh JS, Satyapal KS, Lazarus L European Journal of Anatomy: 23(3): 159-165 (2019)
2. Anatomical Parameters of the Rouviere’s Sulcus for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Lazarus L, Luckrajh JS, Mewa Kinoo S, Singh B European Journal of Anatomy: 22 (5): 389-395 (2018)
3. Anatomy of the Dorsalis Pedis Artery Luckrajh JS, L Lazarus, N Naidoo, C Rennie, KS Satyapal. International Journal of Morphology: 36(2): 730-736 (2018)