COVID-19 vaccine development

Progress in the development of a vaccine against COVID-19

Since the identification of the SARS-CoV-2 in December 2019 and subsequent genotyping of the virus, there has been a tremendous progress in the development of vaccines to protect against the viral infection and subsequent development of COVID-19 disease. Although over 120 vaccines have been proposed worldwide, only 7 candidate had entered early phases of human trials as at the end of April 2020. This is a remarkable and historic pace in comparison to previous efforts of new vaccine development.
As we wait for the vaccines testing to be completed in order to make sure these interventions are safe and effective for administration to people, it is admirable to note that the field of vaccinology has continued to grow. Vaccination with effective vaccines remains the most effective way to control infectious diseases.
Learn more about COVID-19 vaccine development here.
As we wait for a vaccine to become commercially available. Protect yourself and others by following the WHO COVID-19 Advice for the public guidelines:
WHO COVID-19 Advice for the public
Please follow the following links to get up to date, evidenced-based information on COVID-19
South Africa
Please refer to a country's Ministry of Health / Government Health Department website when looking for country-specific information on COVID-19. The World Health Organization's Regional Office for Africa has general information specific to the WHO AFRO region's.

Page created 28 April 2020