The AAVC was developed in response to the growing demand for vaccinology training in Africa and the lag in implementation of vaccine programmes on the African continent relative to the rest of the globe. The course has been at the forefront of vaccinology training in Africa, as is documented in Wisonge et al. (2011) and Amponsah-Dacosta et al.  (2021). During the 17 years that the course has been running, the aims have been refined to include understanding of the challenges and opportunities in vaccinology at regional and global levels, exploring the roles and challenges of National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) in strengthening immunization policies in Africa, and fostering collaboration and networking among African vaccinologists. 

The 5-day residential AAVC is held in Cape Town and is continuously adapted in response to the advances in the field of vaccinology and the increasing demand for developing vaccinology expertise in Africa. Additional topics now covered include mathematical modelling, emerging and re-emerging VPDs, evidence-based vaccinology, the promotion of vaccine advocacy and communication. In addition to delivering training, the AAVC fosters continuous knowledge exchange among various participants working in different capacities within National Immunisation Programs (NIPs) across Africa, including members of NITAGs. 

Applications to participate at the AAVC are assigned scores based on the applicant’s decision-making responsibilities, involvement in national or sub-NIPs, motivation to attend the course, and a recommendation by line-managers. At least one participant is selected from each country. In addition, researchers and post-graduate students in the field of vaccinology are also encouraged to attend.  The number of participants is subject to availability of funding. In total, 1133 participants have undergone face-to-face training between 2005 and 2022.   

A hybrid AAVC was introduced in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to expand the reach of this popular course. As a result, an additional 50 participants attended the course online in 2020 and 2022.  

The AAVC faculty consists of well-known African and international experts in diverse aspects of vaccinology. About 116 faculty members have given presentations at the AAVC between 2011 and 2019. On average, 33 faculty members give talks at the AAVC each year. The AAVC faculty is well-represented by local, regional and international experts from academia, global health agencies, non-governmental agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. 


Future AAVCs