Haematology Routine Diagnostic Laboratory

Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital (RCWMCH) is the largest children’s hospital in Sub-Saharan Africa. The NHLS laboratory at RCWMCH provides a 24-hour routine and specialized laboratory service to paediatric and neonatal patients at RCWMCH and Mowbray Maternity Hospital in Cape Town. The laboratory also receives referred samples from private and other NHLS laboratories.


The Haematology Team at the NHLS Diagnostic Laboratory at RCWMCH (August 2023).
Back row: Daleen Kriel (pathologist), Meaghan Lawrence, Vusumzi Nxasana, Kgomotso Lephoi, Katie de John (registrar)
Front row: Zulfa Abrahams (laboratory manager), Tanja Zbodulja, Haniyah Hendricks, Abenathi Ndzekeni

Services overview:
The Haematology laboratory works closely with the Haematology/Oncology unit at RCWMCH and specialises in the diagnosis and laboratory management of complex benign and malignant haematological disorders including acute leukaemia and other bone marrow pathology, defects of primary and secondary haemostasis, and congenital anaemias.  A comprehensive consultation service is provided to other paediatricians and neonatologists regarding haematological aspects of childhood diseases. A wide spectrum of haemolytic and coagulation assays are performed for both congenital and acquired disorders.

The Haematology laboratory provides training to Haematology Pathology registrars, Clinical Pathology registrars, Clinical Haematology fellows, laboratory technologists and scientists.