The Division of Haematology provides a comprehensive routine haematology laboratory diagnostic service to GSH, Red Cross Children’s Hospital and outlying hospitals/clinics. Specialised tests for the diagnosis and monitoring of benign and malignant haematological diseases are offered. We also receive samples and provide a diagnostic service from many external NHLS laboratory locations.

The laboratory is accredited to a high standard, aligning with international quality measures, by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS).

The GSH laboratory receives samples from about 300 local and peripheral locations, including those in terms of memorandums of agreements, as well as private laboratories and clinics. More than 100 clinics and hospitals refer samples for antenatal or antiretroviral testing including tertiary centres from regional laboratories e.g., the Garden Route and the Eastern Cape (Knysna, Port Elizabeth and East London). In addition, this laboratory regularly receives referral material for flow cytometry from the Eastern Cape, hospitals in Namibia and the private sector. The molecular service receives samples from state health facilities from the Western Cape, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal, as well as the private sector.

There is an ongoing effort to further improve the diagnostic service and the repertoire of tests on offer.