Professor Tracy Kolbe-Alexander
Please join us Friday the 3rd of May where Prof Tracy Kolbe-Alexander will present on:
Wellness out West! (WoW): The overarching aim of WoW! is to co-develop a whole of community intervention framework addressing the determinants mental health and obesity, that can be scaled up in regional towns.
Tracy Kolbe-Alexander is the Program Director for Public Health in the School of Health and Medical Science at the University of Southern Queensland; and an Honorary Professor at the University of Cape Town. Tracy’s research explores the role of the social, built and natural environments in promoting and supporting health and wellbeing. Using various strategies and methodologies, including participatory community-based and systems science approaches, she has developed, implemented and evaluated health promotion programs in different settings. Tracy serves on both Australian and international committees, with the aim of promoting physical activity to improve health and well-being. She was one of the founding members of the African Physical Activity Network, and currently serves on the International Society of Physical Activity and Health’s (ISPAH) Education Committee, the Asia-Pacific Society for Physical Activity’s Advocacy Committee; and is a Senior Associate Editor for the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, and on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviours.
Our in-person meeting will be in held in Classroom 1 on the third floor of the Sports Science Institute of South Africa. For those watching online, we have a zoom link below. The meeting starts at 10:30 am. We will spend the first 10-15 minutes on announcements (grants, publications etc) and research centre business. The webinar starts at 10.45am. For those who are only joining us for the webinar presentation remotely, please only join at 10:45am. Please note we have one zoom link for both meetings.
In terms of CPD points, there will be a google form link and QR code sent during the seminar that you will be able to fill out.