HPALS Announcements 17 November
Where in the World is HPALS
Why Calgary, Canada
World Leaders in Prevention
The University of Calgary Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre (SIPRC) is one of 11 International Research Centres for the Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health supported by the International Olympic Committee. They are one of the leading research centres on injury prevention in youth sport and recreation, with expertise that spans the fields of biostatistics, sport medicine, physical therapy, athletic therapy, biomechanics, health psychology, sociology, health economics and public health policy. SIPRC uses this knowledge to develop, implement and evaluate strategies to prevent injury. Furthermore, through strong relationships with community partners, sport associations, schools, parents and youth, SIPRC makes a positive impact on participants in youth sport and recreation throughout the world.
Most productive researcher in youth sports injury and youth sports injury prevention
Professor Emery is the Chair of the Sports Injury Prevention Research Centre and co-leads the Integrated Concussion Research Program at the University of Calgary and is an executive team lead focused on training and early career development for the Canadian Concussion Network and the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium. She is the most productive researcher in youth sports injury and youth sports injury prevention with over 30 years experience and over 300 high impact publications.
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