Welcome to the Division of Urology of the University of Cape Town at Groote Schuur and Red Cross Children’s Hospitals.
We are responsible for the Urology surgical management of patients at two internationally-renowned teaching hospitals. This clinical platform enables us to teach medical students, train specialists and pursue cutting-edge research into conditions relevant to our clinical practice.
The Groote Schuur & Red Cross Children’s Hospitals are centres of medical excellence in South Africa. The department of Urology's central mission is to deliver exemplary patient care, to train the next generation of Urological surgeons, and to develop new interventions and treatments.
We have a tradition of close ties with colleagues in private practice, enabling us to contribute to the care of patients across our community and strive to contribute in all ways possible to the growth and leadership of our specialty nationally and internationally.
Urology demands the highest standards of practice, while remaining mindful of the needs and priorities of a developing country. Our training program encompasses all aspects of modern Urology, exposing registrars to the full spectrum of subspecialties. During their training, registrars have numerous opportunities to pursue research and are equipped with skills for lifelong enquiry. In this way we strive to produce Urological surgeons with superb clinical and operative skills in a fast-paced evolving field.