Academic staff

Prof Steve Reid
S Reid, BSc (Med) MBChB Cape Town MFamMed Medunsa PhD (Ed) UKZN
Tel No: 021 406 6781
Cell No: 083 447 1907
Room No: E47-62
Teaching & Research Fields
Primary health care / Health equity / Family medicine / Rural health / Compulsory community service / District health systems / Community based services support & intermediate care policy / Community oriented primary care (COPC) / Population based approaches to health / Community based education / Medical education / Human resources for health / Social accountability / Arts and healthcare / Resilience in youth & service providers / Student admission and selection processes / Medical humanities

Mr James Irlam
Senior Lecturer: Evidence Based Health Care & Environmental Health
BSc (Med) (Hons) MPhil Cape Town MSc (ClimChange&Dev) Cape Town
Tel No: 021 406 6377
Cell No: 076 180 9972
Room No: E47-64
Teaching & Research Fields
Evidence-based practice / Primary health care / Climate change and environmental health / Sustainable development / Rural health
PhD in progress: ‘Sustainable Healthcare Education in the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences: What Will It Take?

Dr Carla Tsampiras
Senior Lecturer: Medical and Health Humanities
MA (AfrHist) London PhD (PolHist) Grahamstown
Tel No: 021 406 6111
Cell No: 072 480 3888
Room No: E47-68
Teaching & Research Fields
History / Politics, polemics, practice and history of HIV/AIDS / Disease and society in Africa / Slavery and colonialism / Woman and violence / Gender and sexuality / Medical and health humanities / Critical health humanities / Power, privilege and intersecting identities / Yoga and health

Dr Ishaaq Datay
Senior Lecturer: Health Promotion
Tel No: 021 406 2882
Cell No: 079 987 9188
Room No: E47-63
Teaching & Research Fields
Health promotion / Primary health care / Predictors of virologic treatment failure to HAART / Community based health care / HIV/AIDS and sexuality / Child infectious diseases / Prisons and rehabilitation / Organ transplantation in Muslim community / Diabetes in Muslim community / Bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of healthcare / Health care for all
MMed Internal Medicine in progress

Mrs Sarah Crawford-Browne
Lecturer: Medical and Health Humanities
Tel No: 021 406 6369
Cell No: 072 456 3014
Email: sarah,
Room No: E47-69
Teaching & Research Fields
Critical health humanities / Meaning of illness / Psychological and mental health factors influencing health and illness / Primary health care / Psychological trauma / Community based mental health programming / Primary mental health care / Power, privilege and intersecting identities
PhD in progress: ‘Meaning constructions about violence and psychological adjustment amongst women residing in a high violence community’

Dr Hermann Reuter
Eden District: Community-Based Education Coordinator
Cell No: 071 233 1606
Address: George Provincial Hospital
Teaching & Research Fields
HIV/AIDS/ARVs and TB / Primary health care / Family medicine / Health and human rights / Treatment literacy curriculum development / Rural health / Public health / Community health / Community based education

Dr Francois Marais
Eden District: Student Coordinator
Cell No: 082 676 8568
Address: George Provincial Hospital
Teaching & Research Fields
Family medicine / Primary health care / Emergency medicine / Paediatrics and neonatology / Community based education
Honorary Academic Staff

Dr Ben Gaunt
Honorary Lecturer
Dip (Anae) Dip (Obs) SA MSc (IntPHC) London MBChB Cape Town
Cell No: 072 264 0333
Address: Zithulele Hospital, Eastern Cape
Teaching & Research Fields
Primary health care / Rural health / District health systems / Community based healthcare and development / Health systems research / Multi-disciplinary healthcare / Clinical services / Medical education and outreach programmes/ HIV/AIDS / Obstetrics & gynaecology

Dr Karl le Roux
Honorary Lecturer
MCH MA (IntHlth) Sweden MBChB Cape Town
Cell No: 072 858 9751
Address: Zithulele Hospital, Eastern Cape
Teaching & Research Fields
Primary health care / Rural health / District health systems / Community based healthcare and development / Medical education and outreach programmes / Clinical services / HIV/AIDS / Obstetrics & gynaecology / Nutrition research

Dr Louis Jenkins
Honorary Senior Lecturer & Honorary Associate Professor
L Jenkins, Dip (Anae) (Obs) (HthServMan) CMCA MBChB Stell MFamMed KZN PhD (FamMed) Stell
Cell No: 083 795 1065
Address: George Hospital, George
Teaching & Research Fields
Primary health care / Rural health / Community health / Obstetrics & Gynaecology / HIV/AIDS / Capacity building and experiential learning / Resilience and burn-out in health professionals / Family medicine / Postgraduate teaching & learning / Educational training quality assurance

Dr Joanne Corrigall
Honorary Research Associate
J Corrigall, MBChB Johannesburg DMH SA MMed Cape Town FCPHM SA
Cell No: 076 419 0528
Address: Cape Town
Teaching & Research Fields
Public health consultancy & film-maker / Public health media campaigns & interventions / Behaviour change models / Childhood vaccination / Alcohol abuse / Burden of disease / Mental health / Poverty and mental health / Violence prevention / Suicide prevention / Maternal health / Sexual health / Early childhood development / TB / Education / Research methodology & epidemiology / Policy development / Community training / Community-based music and film behaviour change.
PASS Staff

Mr Dehran Swart
Health Teaching Platform Manager
BSc(Med)(Hons) HDE (PG) Cape Town MPhil (PubHth) UWC
Tel No: 021 406 6439
Cell No: 082 422 2007
Room No: E47-70
Research Fields
Community health / Public health / Health promotion / Tobacco control / Child energy-related injuries

Ms Sharm Naidoo
Facility Manager: Vanguard Student Learning Centre
Dip (RNurs) Dip (RM RK) Dip (CHNurs) Durban
Tel No: 021 695 3849
Cell No: 072 603 0887
Address: Vanguard CHC, Candlewood Rd, Bonteheuwel 7764

Mrs Christolene Beauzac
Site Facilitator: Mitchell’s Plain
Hons (DevStud ) MA (ComHth) UWC
Tel No: 021 404 7692
Cell No: 072 668 3974
Room No: E47-61
Research Fields
PhD in progress: ‘Regulating the Body: Health promotion and diabetes in the Western Cape, South Africa’'

Mrs Baheya Najaar
Site Facilitator: Heideveld
MNutrition Stellenbosch BSc (Diet) UWC
Tel No: 021 406 6342
Cell No: 072 415 9637
Room No: E47-67
Teaching & Research Fields
PhD in progress: Health Technology Management: Designing a mHealth app for overweight and obese pregnant woman
Health promotion, health technology management, diabetes management, nutrition & dietetics, food security, disability, sustainable development goals, HIV/AIDS

Mrs Tsuki Xapa
Site Facilitator: Khayelitsha
Dip (AdEd/BusPlan) Cape Town
Tel No: 021 650 1976
Cell No: 082 713 0297
Room No: E47-61

Patricia Ncamile
Site Facilitator: Vanguard
BA (HumSci) Unisa Dip (DisStudies) UCT
Tel No: 021 404 7692
Cell No: 064 626 8776
Room No: E47-61

Fiona Jordaan
Site Facilitator: Retreat/Grassy Park
Tel No: 021 404 7692
Cell No: 076 853 7122
Room No: E47-61

Mrs Fatima le Roux
Site Coordinator: New Somerset Hospital
Tel/Fax No: 021 421 6320
Cell No: 072 490 6844
Address: Somerset Hospital, North Block, Medical Superintendents Office, Greenpoint

Mrs Nichola Daniels
Site Coordinator: Victoria Hospital, Retreat CHC
Tel No: 021 799 1164
Fax No: 021 799 1251
Cell No: 084 674 6745
Address: Victoria Hospital, Waterloo Road, Wynberg
Ms Zulpha Geyer
Site Coordinator: Vredenburg (Saldanha Bay Sub-District)
Tel No: 022 715 1945
Address: 5 Witteklip Street, Vredenburg 7380

Ms Althea Solomons
Site Coordinator: Eden District
Tel No: 021 650 5185
Cell No: 072 386 9281
Address: George Hospital, Room A20, Blue corridor

Mrs Liesl Felix
Site Coordinator: Mitchell's Plain, Hanover Park and Crossroads
Tel No: 021 650 5059
Cell No: 074 148 7096
Address: UCT Resource Centre, Lentegeur Psychiatric Hospital, Highlands Drive, Mitchell’s Plain

Ms Cha Johnston
Admin Officer & PA to Prof Reid
BA (Psych/ArtHist) Johannesburg
Tel No: 021 406 6031
Cell No: 082 897 3417
Room No: E47-66

Mrs Elloise Kennell
Senior Secretary
PDSD Cape Town
Tel No: 021 406 6761
Cell No: 084 748 7631
Room No: E47-25 (Reception)

Mr Marquin Swartland
Assistant Administrator: George (Garden Route District)
Tel: 021 650 5185
Cell No: 081 014 7049
Address: George Hospital, Room A20, Blue corridor