IDM-µ User and Access Policies
IDM-µ User Policy Highlights
- System Access & Training: All users must consult with IDM-µ staff and complete training to gain access to booking and usage rights.
- Booking & Usage: Microsocpe use is based on bookings through the Clustermarket system, with strict adherence to fair-use guidelines.
- Data Management: Users are responsible for transferring data securely after each session, with adherence to IDM-µ's data handling policies.
- Equipment Care: Proper use and maintenance are expected, with costs for misuse or breakage potentially charged to the user's research group.
- Acknowledgements: All research outputs utilising IDM-µ resources must appropriately acknowledge the platform and relevant staff. Non-compliance may lead to restricted access.
For a more comprehensive list of policies, please refer to the IDM-µ MOU and Policy Documentation.
Additional guidelines apply to users' access to the AMI Imaging Centre microscopes through the IDM-µ. For more details, visit AMI-IDM-µ Program Documentation.