Located in the Division of Occupational Therapy at UCT, the Community Development Cluster focuses on addressing the socio-political issues that affect the health of community members by promoting, advocating and facilitating engagement in health promoting activities that bring meaning and purpose in their lives. These contexts often reflect the ongoing legacy of Apartheid policies and injustices, chronic and generational poverty and continued ineffective government services for the most vulnerable. Each process looks different because we value difference and we believe that each community should be given the opportunity to define their own needs and lead their own solutions. The stories that we share are a peek into what we aim to do. While the ObCD framework guides our practice, we value using process orientated practice that is responsive to the needs and pace of the community.
Facing Up has expanded through an ongoing programme of research and practice that focuses on forming partnerships, learning together and finding ways of improving access to possibilities for action and social change. At present Facing Up grew from a practice at a single school site to practice at 11 sites across 7 communities.
Beneficiaries in numbers annually:
Direct beneficiaries:325
Indirect beneficiaries: 2507
UCT Students: 60