UCT Libraries (UCTL) was approached by Prof Nonhlahla Khumalo in January 2019 to explore the possibility of the Health Sciences Library being a suitable home for the late Prof Mayosi’s awards and accolades. Following this initial meeting, several discussions and site visits to the Stellenbosch University Medical Library and the Christiaan Barnard Hospital, the Bongani Mayosi Legacy Project was borne. The Legacy Project includes:
Bongani Mayosi Bibliography
The publication of an abstract bibliography compiled by UCTL staff. Team members responsible for this project are Saskia Vonk, Namhla Madini, Marja Wren-Sargent, Niel Mostert, Roberto Sass, Dianne Steele, Jeremiah Pietersen, Tamzyn Suliaman and Jill Claassen. The project initiator was Dr Reggie Raju.
Both a bespoke hard copy and an electronic version was launched on 28 January 2020.
Health Sciences Library Renovation Project
Breathing new life into the Health Sciences Library
The reimagining, repurposing and refurbishing of identified spaces within the Health Sciences Library for enhanced research collaboration and academic excellence (proposal completed and in fund-raising phase).
The HSL, located within the Health Sciences Faculty, actively provides research support, nurtures academic excellence through embedding in the curriculum, and fosters student learning and engagement in a safe and accessible, albeit dated, library space.
This legacy project will introduce dynamic and contemporary design and aesthetic elements that resonate with the Mayosi guiding principles of academic excellence; passion for research; and collaboration in research, teaching and learning. The following spaces have been identified:

The Bridge Link
This bridge across Anzio Road is symbolic of Prof Mayosi's vision of bringing academia and practice together. His physical move from the Hospital (Head of Medicine) to the Medical School (Dean of the Faculty) is testimony to his vision of the interconnectedness of academia and practice for the delivery of excellence in health care and stimulation of innovation in health care.

Postgraduate Room, Level 5
In keeping with Prof Mayosi's passion for research, the proposed redesign of the Postgraduate Room into a multi-purpose state-of-the-art engagement space will ensure opportunities for postgraduates and academics to engage in research and research aligned activities. The renovation of this space will include a 2nd entrance into the library, which will create a new direct link into this space via the footbridge from the hospital.
Undergraduate Study Room, Level 6
The next generation of health care researchers and practitioners require spaces that suitably support their learning endeavours. The Undergraduate Study Room must be refurbished to make it into a more conducive and contemporary space to accommodate different styles of learning including self-reflection to collaborative learning.

The Training Room, Level 8
Located on Level 8, this room requires a redesign into a more contemporary and flexible training facility.
Central connecting stairwell
Presently a dated and dark stairwell with a large feature window that connects under- and postgraduate rooms.
UCT Libraries commenced the refurbishment of the HSL In 2018, with the opening of a new UCT funded 60-seater training facility, which transitions into an after-hours study space. This was in response to the demand by students for 24/7 access to connectivity and study spaces.
As the Dean of the Faculty at the time, Prof Mayosi approved of this new space as it resonated with his passion for transformed and accessible learning spaces for a changing student population.
UCTL is committed to the physical transformation of the HSL according to the Legacy Project.

The renaming of the Health Sciences Library
UCT Libraries in collaboration with the Faculty of Health Sciences submitted a proposal to the Naming of Buildings Committee (NOBC) to consider naming the Health Sciences Library (HSL) as The Bongani Mayosi Health Sciences Library.
As the Health Sciences Library forms part of the Faculty infrastructure and is closely integrated in the academic endeavours of the Faculty, all stakeholder believe this is a befitting and tangible way:
- to acknowledge and celebrate the vision, impact and influence of the late Prof Bongani Mayosi on the health sciences academic endeavours and students of the University of Cape Town;
- to honour and preserve Professor Mayosi’s legacy of academic excellence, aspiration and collaboration in teaching, learning and research, and his message to “Lift as you rise”, as an inspiration to us all.
The name change was approved by Council in Dec 2019.