An archive of video footage related to the late Professor Bongani Mayosi.
Professor Bongani Mayosi, Head of Medicine at the University of Cape Town
Professor Bongani Mayosi: In memoriam (1967 - 2018)
Interview with Bongani Mayosi, Professor of Medicine, University of Cape Town
Prof Mayosi did not escape FeesMustFall protests
New gene identified as major cause of death among young people
Prof. Bongani M. Mayosi, University of Capetown (Capetown, South Africa)
The Science Team Award, 2017 NRF Awards
SAMRC Scientific Merit Awards 2016 - Platinum Award - Prof Bongani Mayosi
Professor Bongani Mayosi funeral will be held in Cape Town today
Prof. Mayosi on the outcomes of Forum 2012
Why SA has too little health funding
A (Subtitled) Message for the Mentor Mothers from Prof. Bongani Mayosi: You Give People Hope